Dr. Leandro Tonetto is a design researcher with 20 years of experience in human-centered design, specializing in subjective well-being and health, particularly for vulnerable and underrepresented populations. He has a background in social, personality, and cognitive psychology (PUCRS, Brazil) and healthcare leadership (Harvard Medical School). Before joining Georgia Tech in 2023, he worked on design studies across over 85 consultancy projects in 14 countries in Latin America, focusing on enhancing human experience through design.


He currently serves as an Associate Professor in the School of Industrial Design at Georgia Tech and is the director of the ‘We-ID: Well-being Through Design’ research lab. Dr. Tonetto has also been an active member of the Design Research Society (DRS; UK), where he has served as a board member and is currently the convenor of the Special Interest Group in Design for Well-being, Happiness, and Health (SIGWELL). Additionally, he is an Affiliated Professor (Design for Health) at the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (Brazil).


Despite his particular interest in design for subjective well-being in pediatric care, Dr. Tonetto’s research spans various topics related to health and well-being, such as exploring patients’ experiences in hospital isolation and assessing therapeutic spaces for people living with Mild Cognitive Impairment. He has also collaborated with scholars globally on studies that have shaped research in digital technologies and healthcare resilience. Furthermore, he has advanced design knowledge in health systems, specifically in teaching hospitals, where he co-designed patient-centered services with diverse stakeholders to improve experiences in areas such as oncology, neurology, and thoracic surgery. His studies have been recognized through several international grants awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education.


Dr. Tonetto has contributed over 100 scholarly publications to books, conferences, and leading journals, including Applied Ergonomics, The Design Journal, Journal of Design Research, International Journal of Production Research, Technovation, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. He is also an ad-hoc reviewer for funding agencies and academic journals.

A committed professional, Dr. Tonetto’s dedication to subjective well-being extends from his research and design to the academic environment, where he fosters an inclusive, equitable, and diverse atmosphere for students, colleagues, and collaborators.