Leandro M. Tonetto
Lab Director
Associate Professor
B.S. in Psychology
M.S. in Social and Personality Psychology
Ph.D. in Psychology (Human Cognition)
Palak Gupta
Graduate Research Assistant
B. in Design
M.S. in Industrial Design
Sarah Harris
Graduate Research Assistant
B.S. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
M.S. in Industrial Design
Naomi Censullo
Teaching Assistant
B.S. Building Construction
M.S. in Industrial Design
Claudia de S. Libânio
Associate Professor, Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre, Brazil; External Collaborator
B.S. in Architecture and Business
M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering
Ngodoo Iye
Graduate Student
B.S. Biology
M.S. in Industrial Design
Huixi Huang
Graduate Student
B. Industrial Design
M.S. in Industrial Design
Lucas Becker
External Collaborator
B.S. in Design
M.S in Information Technology and Healthcare Management
Lucas Brandão
External Collaborator
B.S. in Psychology
M.S. in Psychology
Madhuparna Sastakar
B. Arch
M.S. Arch – Health and Wellbeing
Avery Welkley
B.S. in Business Administration
M.S. in Industrial Design